Wednesday, July 07, 2010

St. Louis Paranormal Investigative Teams

Stephen Wagner, a paranormal investigator, wrote an article for titled, "16 Signs That Your House is Haunted".

Wagner lists the following evidence that your home may, in fact, be experiencing a haunting.  Wagner points out that this is only a partial list and that all cases of hauntings are unique.

  • Unexplained Noises
  • Doors, cabinets and cupboards opening and closing
  • Lights turning on and off
  • Items disappearing and reappearing
  • Unexplained shadows
  • Strange animal behavior
  • Feelings of being watched
  • Mild psychokinetic phenomena
  • Feelings of being touched
  • Cries and whispers
  • Cold or hot spots
  • Unexplained smells
  • Moving or levitating objects (severe psychokinetic phenomena)
  • Physical assault
  • Other physical evidence
  • Apparitions
Wagner suggests that if you have ruled out all other explainable possibilities then it might be in your best interest to call a professional that deals with paranormal investigation.

I have compiled a list of St. Louis area investigative teams available to help with your suspected haunting.  I have not personally worked with these teams and only list them based on their online profiles.  If you decide to work with one of these team, send me an email sharing your experience!

Click here to read the full article,  "16 Signs That Your House is Haunted" by Stephen Wagner.

116 Days until Halloween,

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